Happy Birthday, bestie!

Saturday 12 January 2019

Today marks a special day for someone close to my heart... My best friend in the entire world: Justin Lim Sung Jae!

Happy 22nd Birthday, buddy! 💖

How we met goes all the way back to 2014, at the Australian International School Malaysia (AISM). I don't believe we knew each other that well at the start, but we were in some of the same classes together, such as Business Studies, Economics and also Music.

I can't remember exactly how we got close, but I think it was because Justin wanted to become a chef and attend Le Cordon Bleu after graduation, and someone close to me happened to be studying there as well. That's how our friendship officially started! Food really does bring people together huh? Anyway, both of us couldn't wait to graduate that's for sure. We were then also in the AISM Jazz Band and we've performed together in multiple external galas and school events. He was the guitarist and I was the pianist. In Year 12, I kinda became his "tutor". In our free periods, I would be teaching him and pushing him to study, and in exchange he would cook for me haha (amazing food already btw). We were basically hanging out everyday together in school. The best thing about AISM was that I got to know you, Juzzy!

We're best friends because we're basically the same person. Like he always says, I'm just the girl version of him. He's the guy that would understand everything I say, even if I'm just rambling on about my thoughts, he would get it without me having to explain myself. He just gets me, and that's a trait that's really difficult to find, and one that I truly appreciate. I can literally call him up or shoot him a text whenever and I know that he will always be there for me, and to listen to me.

He's an extremely talented chef that also happens to always cook mouthwatering dishes for me whenever I see him (lucky me!), an extremely talented guitarist (and the best one I know) and a gym enthusiast, who was the one who introduced and pushed me into joining the gym. He writes workout plans and also diet plans for me, not before doing all his research and trying them out first. He's also the guy that will carry me home when I'm passed out drunk and being stubborn by sitting in the middle of the road (which happened in Korea btw hahaha 😂).

He's the one that inspires and motivates me to do better, and be better. Always encouraging me to think positive and to reach for greater heights. He also taught me to focus on myself first and to continue improving till I'm the best version of myself. He's been through so much hardships in his life, but he never once gave up. He takes on challenges like a champ and grows better through it. He has changed from the most negative person I knew to the most positive one now. He's also the guy that chose to apply for the Marines, which is the most difficult chapter of the South Korean army, just because he wanted a challenge to push himself and conquer it. Go big or go home, am I right? 💪🏼 He's also responsible and matured way beyond his age. He stands by his principles and doesn't budge. He is my inspiration in life. I've seen him change a great deal and come such a long way throughout the 5 years that I've known him and I'm super proud!!!

Bestie, you radiate warmth, you beam sincerity, and you emanate passion with every single thing you do. You are so amazing and I'm lucky to call you my friend and know that I'll always have you by my side. I'll be waiting for you to get out. Distance ain't got nothing on us! Instead, I believe it has made us even stronger. Cheers to an everlasting friendship, and here's to achieving all the dreams and goals we've set in life!

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